(used by INRS and CARSAT)
Centralise all Occupational Health and Safety data in one single database. TDC Sécurité structures your Occupational Safety Assessment and helps you manage with success your Occupational Risk Assessment Report and action plans.
The quality of training and assistance provided by our engineers will allow you to become operational very quickly with the software installed in your premises or available by Saas subscription.
Opt for the software chosen by the INRS to manage Occupational Safety?
TDC Sécurité EvRP enables to manage efficiently HSE management in your organisation:
- Easily retrieve already existing information.
- Pilot your business activity through indicators available at all times.
- Be in compliance with the regulations with much less effort.
- Save a lot of time for updates and printing of documents.
- Focus your HSE activity on Real Risks Management and the actions it implies rather than administrative paperwork.
- Prove appropriate risk management (example: print in one click all changes made since the last CHSCT)
- Possibility to work in a collaborative mode with your Project manager by keeping the entire control of the actions.
Easy-to-use software that will guide you through Occupational Risk Assessment and its generated Report
Thanks to the simplified ergonomics of TDC Sécurité and its ability to integrate your Excel data, you will be able to start quickly and to integrate easily, as well as make connections with your payroll or human resources (HRMS) software, Occupational Risk Assessment or your tool for time tracking.
TDC Sécurité is simple software that will guide you through Occupational Risk Analysis and Management:
- Homogeneous and centralised: you will be able to manage all components of Occupational Safety with the same tool and to respond to regulatory constraints in a unique and reliable way.
- Easy-to-use: ergonomics ensures fast learning, and in one single click you will be able to produce your Occupational Risk Assessment Report, or individual sheets of exposure, for example.
- Secure and archived: every modification is traced, allowing powerful selections.
- Methodological and reliable: the software libraries include methodologies and repositories of the INRS, a customer of TDC Sécurité.
- Collaborative: actions can be delegated to pilots managing their tasks and actions until validation by the Prevention service.
Thus, your organization will be able to adopt a sustainable approach of continuous improvement of work conditions, social dialogue and reduction of painfulness risks, with reporting tailored to all actors of Occupational Health and Safety.
Fault Tree Order Presentation to Reflect Your Organisation
The company is presented in a tree order: sites, areas, work units and activities.
This presentation structures your organisation in a relevant manner. It allows to describe the employee’s activity and to ask easily all the right questions about risks that he/she incurs at his/her workstation.
This tree presentation enables to reflect easily changes in the organisation chart, acquisitions / cuts of services or buildings.
It is up to you to choose the most appropriate cutting.
Saving Time in Your Occupational Risk Assessment
Once your organization presentation is ready, TDC Sécurité will guide you through different Risk Analysis charts and will enable you to manage your action plans in order to obtain a clear Occupational Risk Assessment report, easy to update and to communicate.
No double entries, no divergences between the elements of your Risk Assessment: time savings guaranteed with no additional stress!
Numerous and Modifiable Libraries
TDC Sécurité incorporates libraries of sources of hazards, risks, aggravating factors, preventive measures or consequences, resulting from the expertise of the specialised agencies and the INRS.
You can change and expand these libraries as much as you want.
For instance, each identified hazard source is related to potential occupational risks, as in the example below with the ‘mental load’ and the ‘fall’ as danger of “work at a height” when “using scaffolding”. The libraries also include stress hazards as well as pandemics.
The work of your safety facilitator is simplified by these proposals, as well as the consistency of the vocabulary.
Risk Rating and Hierarchisation According To The Thresholds
The software for Occupational Risk Assessment Report enables to establish your rating through the objective criteria (Frequency/Duration/Severity…) which allows obtaining the gross Risk Assessment. This assessment is completed by the implementation of the existing protection measures in order to obtain the controlled risk.
By obtaining the risk rating, you will be able to view instantly elements below the thresholds and levels of minor, major and critical risks. The scoring matrix is editable by the authorised users.
Pilot in Real-Time: Decision-Making Support and Risk Mapping
The background work on Risk Assessment carried out on different workstations is thus centralized, it is easy to operate thanks to the establishment of indicators updated in real time and to the colour codes (adjustable by the customer) on display and when printing. Organisation of the sequences of group work is facilitated through the use of the software in video projection.
(Cliquez sur une image pour agrandir)
Collaborate and Manage Action Plans
TDC Sécurité enables you to manage all your action plans: Prevention Action Plans (PAP) and Action Plans for the Protection.
This comprehensive action plans can be printed, classified by site, for example. Actions sorted out by the person in charge and by risk (critical, major, and minor) can also be printed.
An email can be sent to each action supervisor indicating the work to perform; reminder emails can be automated in case of delay. The frequency of these reminder emails is set up according to the choice of the customer.
TDC Sécurité also enables you to forward / synchronise the actions with the collaborative platform of action management of the company.
You can also delegate the realisation of actions directly to the supervisor or pilot, still keeping the overall control if you need to. From a Web browser you can also authorise your employees to access directly to their own actions using a simplified interface not to get lost in the entire Occupational Risk Assessment.
TDC Sécurité turns action plans into a tool of the continuous reduction of Occupational Risks. Actions can thus have an impact on one or more modules of TDC Sécurité: Painfulness, Work-Related Accidents, Chemical Safety… Links and overall consistency of the entire set of the OHS information will save your time and give you a complete and simple visibility on the actions.
Print the Occupational Risk Assessment and OHS Reports
TDC Sécurité software enables you to edit different documents addressed to various OHS actors: from the details of analysis charts to your Occupational Risk Assessment Report to present to the Labour Inspectorate, site mapping and work instructions among others.
Work Instructions Integrated and Connected to Occupational Risk Assessment
Since it is pointless to define trade-specific references without communicating them to the services concerned, TDC Sécurité provides Workplace Safety Instructions linked to your Occupational Risk Assessment Report and the results of Occupational Risk Assessment.
Like all the other TDC Sécurité elements, you can evolve Workplace Safety Instructions on a simple quote request, in case they do not correspond to your work habits.
Logs and Traceability of Occupational Risk Assessment
TDC Sécurité benefits from the results of a R & D programme supported by BPI France and provides a data changes management system (not only on the study or versions of documents).
Thanks to the logs of all changes (who did what and when), you can delegate updates of your Risk Analysis to your colleagues and thus actually involve them in your Occupational Risk Assessment. The secure sharing of the information necessary to every employee enables you to involve your teams, making them accountable for Occupational Health and Safety. Thus your Occupational Safety specialists will be able to perform with success their role of team assistant and facilitator.
This also enables to justify the continuous improvement of Occupational Risk Assessment Report. You can prove that the annual updates are well done by highlighting (text in red, for example) what has been changed since the beginning of the year or the last Health and Safety Committee meeting, for example.
Multilingual Management of OHS Data
In case you need multilingual management in your international development, it is possible at two levels: the software interfaces and reporting, as well as your Risk Analysis data. If you use trade-specific references translated in multiple languages with the help of the libraries, the homogeneity of the translations and the data consistency are guaranteed. It is also a solid support base for facilitation through the possibility to view simultaneously different translations of a term: for example, for a foreign colleague who does not understand a technical term in English, you can get the term in French in one right click.
Standardisation, Rigor and Consistency
The proposed input charts with the pre-set data libraries guarantee tor the user homogeneity in the vocabulary, rigour in the data sequences (danger/risk, for example) and consistency throughout the analysis.